Thursday, June 23, 2011

Overhead Bin - The 5 smartest vacation photos you've never taken

'Return to owner'Take a photo of a sign you make that says "This camera belongs to ..." and lists your name, contact information, and (perhaps) the promise of a reward. Set this image to "read-only" to make it difficult to erase. Keep it as the first picture on your memory card. If strangers find your lost camera and start looking at its photos, they'll know it belongs to you.

'Where was that again?'Snap the location of your parked car, or take a picture of your hotel door with the room number on it. At the end of your jetlagged day, whether you're in an Orlando parking garage or Las Vegas resort, you'll appreciate having the photo to remind you of where you need to go.

'Darn it. I wish I could print out this webpage'Let's say you're using your hotel's computer to look up some information, such as a map for a museum's location, but you don't have access to a printer — or maybe don't want to pay a silly printing charge. Simply take a photo of the screen, and then use your camera's built-in LCD screen to view it as you walk.

Overhead Bin - The 5 smartest vacation photos you've never taken