Friday, April 1, 2011

How To Lose Body Weight Fast | LIVESTRONG.COM

Livestrong has a lot of useful articles, calculators and resources.  I have made some comments in red on the below article (original attached):

There are many ways to lose body weight fast. You can try diet pills, fad diets and fasting. These options, though they will enable you to lose weight quickly, can cause you a great deal of harm. It is better to choose a natural weight loss strategy as a safer alternative for quick weight loss. This process can by rewarding and quite simple.

Step 1

Cut your calorie intake. To lose 1 lb., you must create a 3,500-calorie deficit. You can easily do this by cutting down on high-fat, high-sugar foods. Cut sodas, cakes, cookies and fast food out of your diet. To help cut the calories and make sure I was eating a well balanced low calorie diet with plenty of protein, fiber and other nutrients as well as making sustainable changes in my eating habits, I signed up for .  At $9.00 a month and excellent customer service, I have learned quite a bit in the 6 weeks I have been seriously using it and have lost 5 pounds even though I don't use it on weekends and I have had some really bad days.  To read more about my experience with My Food Diary click here :

Step 2

Drink plenty of water--at least eight glasses per day--because water serves as an appetite suppressant that keeps your stomach full and fends off dehydration (which can cause false feelings of hunger).  My doctors always tell me to stay properly hydrated, you must drink 1 fluid ounce for every 2 pound of body weight. 
(example:  if you weigh 180 pounds, you need 90 ounces a day).  Meal shakes, diet drinks, water, tea, coffee all count to your goal so you don't have to chug gallons of plain water a day.  Better to reach your goal, than not.

Step 3
Eat several small meals per day instead of just three large ones. Make sure you eat the most during breakfast. Eat as soon as you wake up in the morning to avoid feeling hunger later on in the day. If you work during the day, you can eat at 7:30 a.m., 10 a.m., 12:30 p.m., 4 p.m., 6 p.m. and 9 p.m.  I try to eat something every 2 hours to keep my metabolism going.  Can be a Jell-o cup, fiber bar, handful of low fat granola. 8 non-salted Almonds, yogurt, etc....  I usually have a shake (like Slim Fast, but I buy HEB brand to save a few $$) and a fat free yogurt for breakfast or a high fiber all natural breakfast cookie (Erin Baker's Wholesome Baked Goods ) also avail on Amazon in all flavors.  They maintain freshness in the fridge/freezer and taste best when microwaved (fridge, 30 seconds; frozen 40 seconds).  Breakfast should be at lease 300 calories and high in fiber to help start off the day feeling full.

Step 4

Eat a diet rich in fiber to help your stomach digest food properly and make you feel full for a longer period of time. You can consume fiber from food choices including chickpeas, apples, strawberries, figs, potatoes, beans, bran, brown rice and nuts.

Step 5

Chew each mouthful of your food for about 30 seconds to help you slow down your eating speed. Take a break from eating whenever you are halfway through eating a meal.  We do not eat out very often, but when we do, while ordering we also request to go boxes be brought out before the food arrives.  When the food arrives, we take half of everything and tie off the bag and place on an extra chair.  This way our portion sizes are much closer to the recommended and we don't tend to overeat as much.

Step 6

Start exercising at a local gym. If you feel unsure about working out at a particular gym, get a free trial membership to develop a better feel of the environment. Do an intense cardiovascular workout at the gym at least two times per week for at least 45 minutes per session. Do weight training three times each week as well.  This is alot to ask when you have a busy life.  Planet Fitness has a 30 minute express circuit training course built into their gym that is part of the regular membership fee (which at this time is $12.95/month, no contracts).  We go and do the 30 minute circuit that hits all your muscle groups twice a week and then do a light/moderate cardio once a week.  As we are overweight and have not excercised in years, our trainer agreed this was an appropriate level to start out at.  I would highly recommend signing up for the free session with the trainer.  After 3 weeks of going to PF, I learned I was not positioned correctly on some of the machines and at my age (late 30's), and out of shape, you do need to remember you are no longer in your 20's and if you hurt your back or anything else, it will be more serious and take longer to recover.

Step 7

Keep yourself busy to keep from sitting on your couch too frequently, which can lead you to overeat and gain weight. Attend public events and join clubs to stay active and meet new people.  I went to and joined a couple of groups to see what was going on that was different from the same old stuff.  We also take our dogs to the McAllister Dog Park right off the Wurzbach Parkway and let them loose.  It is an off leash park with well mannered dogs and nice people.  There is a walking track so we do laps while the dogs play.  Just remember to bring water for your little buddy also.

Tips and Warnings
  • Drinking water helps your body metabolize fat that is stored in it by enabling your kidneys to eliminate waste, thus contributing to weight loss. Fiber is found only in plant foods that your body is unable to digest, which causes it to simply go through your body. Eating fiber decreases the calories you consume by enabling you to eliminate fat along with fiber. Foods high in fiber are also usually low in calories as well as filling, so you can reduce your overall calorie intake through consuming fiber-rich food.

Read more:
How To Lose Body Weight Fast LIVESTRONG.COM