Thursday, November 25, 2004

Thanksgiving is Canceled

Well Thanksgiving is canceled. I just wansn't feeling up to cooking and playing hostess, I've been too cranky. Every treatment it gets a little harder and takes a little longer to bounce back. Since I always do Thanksgiving at my house it is a bit depressing. Mom and Jeff are now eating alone, Misty has the twins and Nana's going to our friend Ginger's to spend the day with her family. They are all looking forward to it. It's better off this way anyway. The twins have been sending a cold back and forth with each other for the last week, Jeff is teaching 2nd grade and a lot of his kids are sick, so at least this way we are keeping the germs out of the house. It's a bit depressing, but I have to think of my health. I like Thanksgiving because it is the one day a year I cook usually and our house is structured very well for entertaining. This was also the last year Jeff and the girls will be here for the Holidays. He ships out for Navy OCS on Jan 22. I already bought everything so I am going to pop the Turkey in the oven and prepare the stuff that won't keep. A 12 pound Turkey for only me and Jerry! Last year I made a 16 pound bird for 18 people. We are going to be eating Turkey for weeks!

The good news is I've raised about $2,000 on Ebay in the last 60 days selling off a good portion of my collection. I figure I've sold about 350-400 doughboys so far. I still have about 200 left, but most will be gone soon. It's a little sad for me because they took so many years and travels to accumulate them all, but I'll keep a few as mementos. The treatments have gotten to the point where I can only work about 10 hours on treatment weeks and about 20 on non-treatment weeks. Since I'm paid by the hour, it is a little rougher for us. Luckily the money raised paid off my Husband's 2001 Elantra, so that's one less car payment. His was the big payment ($300, I was sending $500) and mine is only $150, so That's an extra $500 a month to play with. After I'm off all these meds we'll be able to roll his payment into mine and hopefully I'll have a clear title as a birthday present in April. I've been stockpiling meds before December 31 so I can get the most out of my deduction for this year on my taxes and will be able to save a little on meds next year. I have enough Vicodin set aside to kill an elephant now.