Saturday, November 13, 2004

Nothing new going on.

Well there's really nothing new to report. It took a few days longer than usual to recover from my last treatment. Tonight I've just been listing auctions on Ebay. In the past 60 days I've had 200 auctions so it keeps me occupied and keeps Jerry busy going to the Post Office:-) Oh well, our bank account appreciates the infusion since I've only been working only 15-20 hours a week. We're not quite to the stage of only eating Ramen Noodles yet! Although even with insurance my at home medications alone run $200.00 a month. I can't imagine how people without insurance manage at all. Each of my treatments runs $12,000, and I have 12 of them scheduled! That doesn't include labs every other week and all the scans. Even after my insurance company disallows and adjusts the cost per their contracts, the treatments still run about $5,000. If you don't have insurance you get screwed more ways than one. First you have to pay out of your pocket, then you get price gouged on top of it! It's the people that don't have insurance you hear about that hospitals charge $100 for a Tylenol. For the record, after my insurance adjusts the cost of my Tylenol to 10 cents at the Doctors Office!

Oh well, I guess I'll climb down off of my soapbox before I really get going. Healthcare is an issue I have very strong feelings and opinions about and I don't want to still be writing at 5:00 am.

PS. If all goes according to plan we will be having a Superbowl/Chemo's Over party on Feb 6, so keep us in mind for your Superbowl plans, we have 2 guest rooms and Aero Beds:-) GO PATS!