Saturday, August 14, 2004

All dressed up and nowhere to go!

Well I think the Chemo brain effect has settled in. Jerry is working from 8p-6a right now so he came home went to sleep around 9:00 am and I woke him up at 12:00 to get showered and ready for the girls party from 1-3 at Gymboree. We get dressed, purse is on my shoulder, keys in hand, when the phone rings. It's my Mother-in-Law. She asks me if I'm aware that when the party planning was in its' early stages, Saturday was the day, but Gymboree was booked so it was moved to Sunday. Well no I tell her, you never told me that and silly me, I didn't even notice the invitations were made out for the 15th. So here we are all dressed up with nowhere to go Repeat performance scheduled for tomorrow! At least we found out before we left the house. The Gymboree people would have thought us a little nuts showing up a day early for the party.