Sunday, May 13, 2012

Our 1st Veggie Garden - Week 3 - Adding Some Color Front & Back

This week we decided to add some color to the garden and front porch with some pots.

Our little corner garden in the backyard
These Fuschsia's caught my eye at the Wal-Mart Garden Center and for $4.00, I snatched 2 of them!
They're supposed to attract Hummingbirds so I hung on the front porch hoping to see some.
I did transplant them to a hanging basket so they would be higher & more visible. 
Aren't these gorgeous?  The picture doesn't do them justice!
They are also Calibrachoa (a member of the Nightshade family)
like the ones below and will attract butterflies to our front porch!
Multi-colored Calibrachoa to attract butterflies and
 bumblebees to help with pollination in the garden. 
I love these striped Petunias!
We still only have the one Beefsteak tomato, but there is a second teeny, weeny baby coming in.
Right now it's the size of a pencil eraser.
We pruned the Beefsteak plant and staked it up so hopefully it will start fruiting more.
Still haven't had more girl cucumber flowers,
but the one I manually pollinated on Monday is growing our first cucumber!
The cucumbers have taken well to my nylon trellis concept.
Hopefully my experiment will work as we visioned when it's time to harvest.
Our Big Boys do have some Early Blight, so we had to get some fungicide.