Tuesday, June 1, 2004

Possible Cause of my Hodgkin's Disease...

For the last 8 years I have dealt with numerous afflictions ranging from fatigue to pain. My Doctor's were always saying I had a weak immune system, but couldn't figure out why. For those of you familiar with the movie "A Civil Action" starring John Travolta(for more information, go to our Links page), you may be surprised to know that I spent some of my formidable years prior to age 5 in the same neighborhood where all the kids were dying from predominantly Acute Lymphatic leukemia. Had I stayed, many of these kids would have been my classmates and friends. My husband and I did some research on the chemicals involved with the lawsuit and did find research to support that early exposure to these chemicals can manifest in symptoms in the late teen and early adulthood years. While this is not the cause of the Hodgkin's Disease, no one knows what causes it, the suppressed immune system for so many years is a contributing factor.