Monday, February 6, 2012

Very Excited! Lots & Lots Going On!!!

So much going on this week!  Very exciting!  Everything is falling in to place and coming together very nicely.

We just reached our 6 months in Richmond mark, and we love it here!  I would have liked to see some snow my first winter out of San Antonio in over a quarter century, but at least the unseasonably warm winter has given Jerry a chance to ease into it.  I'm glad he had a gentle winter, but at this point I'd settle for some ice at least!

Jerry has an interview with the state juvenile justice system today and I have a good feeling!  He looks very sharp in his gray suit and cornflower blue shirt, with the 25 pounds he lost in January, he is looking pretty H.O.T.; but then, he always does.

My new, permanent job starts tomorrow (no more COBRA, YAY)!  I'm very excited and quite nervous; my anxiety has been at Level Orange since we concluded salary negotiations and I officially accepted the position last Thursday!  The last HA I worked for was so filled with anxiety and needless stress, it nearly drove me insane!  If you ordered the wrong color pen they acted like it was the end of the world and made you feel like an incompetent moron.  So I am hoping this HA will be a little more relaxed and reasonable/.

It's also a nice change to be on the Family Services/Community Relations side of the business.  I might as well have been the Grim Reeper at SAHA.  When your job is to take away a families Section 8 Voucher which essentially means you are taking away their home, you tend to be hated quite passionately, especially when you do it well as I did.  I was doing over 100 hearings a month with an 83% success rate, I was a good prosecutor; but it wears on your psyche dealing with the worse we had to offer day in and out.

I pretty much gave up on the juicing these past few weeks, it is very hard to stay focused when I'm home all day.  Tomorrow will be pretty much starting all over again.  When I'm working all day it is pretty easy to stick to it because there really isn't time to get bored and restless from the time I get home to bedtime.  Jerry has been doing so well, I have to catch up to him!

All that remains now is to pick a week to go to New England and see my famiweee