While talking about my desire for an electric kettle in my office Jerry had a wonderful idea to get a Keurig for our anniversary allowing me to take our kettle to the office. We normally like to travel for our anniversary, but since we cannot do that this year, this was a wonderful substitute.
At first I was hesitant. I had real trouble wrapping my head around this gadget; I just didn't "get it".
I enjoy tea and despise the taste of coffee, sometimes even the smell, so I didn't desire even the hint of coffee in my tea. The only time I did drink coffee, I was 23, at IHOP, at 2:00 in the morning after a night at Piranha's and I have no desire to repeat the experience.
I was concerned about the taste of my husband's coffee coming through in my tea. So far so good. I brewed a cup of herbal tea immediately after Jerry made some Italian Roast and I didn't even get a hint of coffee! We've made about 10 cups so far and are enjoying the machine.
We went with the Platinum (B70) for the 60 oz reservoir and the 5 cup sizes, but the basic B60 would have been fine because on either machine I have to hit the button twice to fill my 18oz travel mug. Of course, the blue light shining into the reservoir is a nice effect!
Keurig is coming out with a new machine in a few weeks called the Vue that is supposed to brew "actual" travel size mugs up to 18oz and use new expanded size cups for the larger cups. It's going to start at $249, so this will do just fine for us. I'm accustomed to brewing my tea with one bag and allowing a longer steep time.
I can't wait to try the Southern Ice Teas!!

UPDATE** Well 5 days, 4 Hot Cocoas, 11 coffees and 6 teas later, everything is going great!
I set Auto On/Off to come on right before I get up and to turn off right when Jerry leaves for work.
Since we also like herbal tea at bedtime, I flip the switch on when we start getting ready for bed and we set the additional Auto Off Timer to automatically turn off after 3 hours so we have enough time to have a second cup if we can't sleep and if we do fall asleep, we don't have to worry about the machine being on all night
At first I was hesitant. I had real trouble wrapping my head around this gadget; I just didn't "get it".
I enjoy tea and despise the taste of coffee, sometimes even the smell, so I didn't desire even the hint of coffee in my tea. The only time I did drink coffee, I was 23, at IHOP, at 2:00 in the morning after a night at Piranha's and I have no desire to repeat the experience.
I was concerned about the taste of my husband's coffee coming through in my tea. So far so good. I brewed a cup of herbal tea immediately after Jerry made some Italian Roast and I didn't even get a hint of coffee! We've made about 10 cups so far and are enjoying the machine.
We went with the Platinum (B70) for the 60 oz reservoir and the 5 cup sizes, but the basic B60 would have been fine because on either machine I have to hit the button twice to fill my 18oz travel mug. Of course, the blue light shining into the reservoir is a nice effect!
Keurig is coming out with a new machine in a few weeks called the Vue that is supposed to brew "actual" travel size mugs up to 18oz and use new expanded size cups for the larger cups. It's going to start at $249, so this will do just fine for us. I'm accustomed to brewing my tea with one bag and allowing a longer steep time.
I can't wait to try the Southern Ice Teas!!
UPDATE** Well 5 days, 4 Hot Cocoas, 11 coffees and 6 teas later, everything is going great!
I set Auto On/Off to come on right before I get up and to turn off right when Jerry leaves for work.
Since we also like herbal tea at bedtime, I flip the switch on when we start getting ready for bed and we set the additional Auto Off Timer to automatically turn off after 3 hours so we have enough time to have a second cup if we can't sleep and if we do fall asleep, we don't have to worry about the machine being on all night