Sunday, January 22, 2012

Our Weekend Munch Fest

I won 2 turkeys in a contest on FB last month so we popped one in the oven today!  It smells heavenly.  Just waiting for it to cool so we can carve that sucker up.  Now, a 16 pound turkey is a bit much for the 2 of us so we will be eating turkey for awhile, even with freezing.

We are still juicing Mon-Fri, but we are eating solid food on the weekends.  Our solid food consists of one "date night" out and one home cooked meal (turkey in this case or boneless, skinless chicken breast) with a spinach salad or steamed broccoli.  We're not going crazy on the weekends because we don't want to undo all the hard work from the week.

It has actually gotten much easier juicing during the week and food is not constantly on our minds.  Our bodies have adapted fairly well and we are both feeling very good!