Happy 10th
I told Jerry we’d stop celebrating chemo-versary at 10 years, maybe it was getting to be a bit much. He said we were going to keep celebrating because every chemo-versary is another year he has his wife with him. So, even after this one, we will keep celebrating.
I have been fortunate in that even though my Hodgkin’s was
advanced (Stage 3B), we were able to treat successfully and I have had no recurrence. One thing I do find peculiar is that know
that my immune system is suppressed from irreversible damage done by the
cancer, I actually get sick less. Weird,
Part of it is that I do pay more attention to people sniffling
around me, stay properly hydrated, and take vitamins religiously. I think a larger part is that I had a very
strong immune system to begin with even though it didn’t seem like it.
When I was little, I remember my mom sending me to play with
Shauna when she had the chicken pox hoping I would get them and get it over
with (it took another 7 years, damn younger brothers) and having perfect
attendance. I just didn’t really get
sick except the occasional earache. Fast
forward 20 years and if someone sneezed near me I got the flu! Total reversal! This went on for almost 8 years. Thankfully Hodgkin’s is a slow progressing
form of Lymphoma or I might not be here today.
I look back on it now as my body was busy fighting the cancer undetected
for several years and figured,
“Hey, I’m a little busy in
here. I’ll handle keeping these tumors
at bay, but you are gonna have to take one for the team and handle the
sinusitis. Deal?”