To put that in perspective, we have Miniature Pinscher/Chihuahua mix (Flapjack) and 2 Pomeranian's (Romeo 7 pounds, Cupid 11 pounds). The tallest one stands about 8 inches at the shoulders. In addition to the pups just being small and the bed being tall, Flapjack is around 13 and has a heart murmur and a sliding patella (knee cap). Cupid is a very insecure jumper on the most solid of surfaces (unless your waving a treat then he can jump buildings in a single bound). Finally, little Romeo is a mamma's boy that is totally oblivious to how delicate he can be. If mom gets up in the middle of the night he has to follow her and make sure everything is kosher. He flies off the bed and sometimes slips on the wood floor with a Klunk sound.
We decided on the Telebrands Doggy Steps for several reasons:
1. We thought they were 18.5 inches tall (actually was long and only 12 inches tall). Will pay closer attention when we upgrade to wooden steps next year as budget allows.
2. They had a removable washable cover
3. The price was $26.00 on Amazon +Free 2 day Shipping

I looked at higher priced stairs that looked fancy, but trying to hold to a budget we choose these steps because they were among the tallest in this price range (and any steps are worth the money, because they are cheaper than a hurting pup with a broken leg).
We did need to lay on top of the bed and guide the dogs with treats to use the steps the first day. We did this one pup at a time, each one twice up and down the stairs. That's all it took. All 3 pups use the stairs to go up and only Romeo still tries to fly off the bed like Super Pup, so we did put an area rug down to give him some landing traction.
All in all a purchase I would definitely recommend to anyone whose pets need a boost, but their wallets can't handle a big boost. However, if your kid has a severe problem with hip dysplasia, arthritis or other joint problem you may need something taller if your pup can't jump the distance from the top step to the surface of your bed/couch, etc... TeleBrands Deluxe Doggy Steps: Kitchen & Dining