This year for Valentine's Day, we decided to give each other gifts that could make a difference in our lives, Gym Memberships.
We joined Planet Fitness to whip our butts into shape! So far so good. Jerry's allergies have really been bad this year, so he has had a little later start than me, but he's gearing up.

We tried to make it something we did together the first couple of weeks, but our schedules made it difficult. By the time he gets home from work, I've already been home for 4 hours so I don't want to go out again and on the nights Jerry goes to Hackerspace (
if your interested in San Antonio Hackerspace, Click Here) he might not be home until after 8:00 and by then I'm winding down for bed. So during the week we are going on our own after we get off work and on Sundays we grab a bite and go together.