Well we are settling into our new home. Right now I'd say we are about 80% done. We are settled enough that I've been able to resume cooking, but Jerry still hasn't found the keyboard for his Mac and I can't find the skeleton key for my china cabinet so I can unpack those boxes.
We went to our first HOA Town Hall meeting on Saturday, there wasn't a very big turnout, but Jerry and I were the youngest people there by a couple of decades! While there is definately an older crowd here, everyone is very nice and it is so quiet and peaceful. We can go to the pool or sauna anytime and there's not a bunch of people making a racket.
I am so glad to finally be able to organize everything again. Our house fell into chaos last August when we started the foundation work and by the time the work was finished in December, we had moved everything around so many times for the workes to drill through the foundation in all the bedrooms and garage that everything was misplaced, mismatched and seemed to end up in the formal living & dining rooms, since those were the only rooms the floor didn't need to have 4 foot deep by 3 feet wide holes dug in them. It was TOTAL CHAOS!! I swear, 3 months later we were still cleaning up concrete dust!

I am going to finish the kitchen after work today, but it is so wonderful having everything in it's place. We have so much cabinet space since we also have the walk in pantry, that I put the pots & pans and tupperware we use all the time in upper cabinets. Much easier to put away and reach for than the lower cabinets.
Our cat, Biscuit has settled in. He used to be indoor/outdoor, but now he seems quite content to just nap on the couch all day and relocate to the bed at night. He hasn't shown any desire to go out at all. The dogs didn't know what to make of the stairs at first, but now they are pros! We haven't installed a doggie door yet. We don't want biscuit going out and our patio door is closer to our parking spot so we use that as our "Front" door so the sliding glass panel doggie door we had at the old house is out. I finally ordered an electromagnetic door for them this weekend. The patio doors are flanked by 2 narrow sash windows that are only about 8 inches off the gound, so one of the guys at work, Jeff's a custom cabinet maker, is going to frame the doggie door in a custom built frame that will sit in the window opening and then we'll just lock the window around it. He's also making them a little step for inside and outside. I think they'll catch on. They have been better about accidents, but for some reason if they see cardboard, they MUST PEE ON IT!! Not fun while moving and having stacks of cardboard boxes around. They have definately helped motivate us to unpack even faster.
We have a nice little park in our community that we walk the dogs too in the evening. Not much of a walk, it's about 75 yards from our front door, but they are little dogs so it's perfect for them. Jerry and I are planning on starting swimming a few laps every night, the pool is so close, we can see it from the front of our house. It's only 4 doors down, just close enough to be super convenient and far enough away that we can't hear anything if there are people there.