I am excited and a bit nervous. I will be bookkeeping with Quickbooks, but I've never used Quickbooks. I bought the Quickbooks for Dummies and of course, the Quickbooks Bible.
For anyone that wants to learn ANY computer program, I HIGHLY recommend the Dummies series and if you want to REALLY get into a program or there is a program you use every day, you MUST own the Bible Series for those programs. I have a Bible for every program I have used going back to Excel 97.
Click Here to see the "Bible Series" at Barnes & Noble. Worth every penny!!!
I am confident that it will only take me a couple of days to get the feel for Quickbooks and maybe a couple of weeks to master it. No! I am not being cocky! I am just VERY confident in my computer skills.
I've laid out my outfit for tomorrow, made Jerry's lunch and only have to get my briefcase together. I've tried several hairstyles this weekend since I have let my bangs grow out for the first time since high school and I think I'm all ready for tomorrow!
I haven't seen my therapist since I got a job, but I think Dr. Smith would be happy. She won't be happy that I missed my outing with friends last Friday because of an arthritis flare up, but I have my anti-inflammatory now so I'm all good. My "therapy homework" is to go out with someone who is not my husband every week. This will help the Agoraphobia and I'm supposed to be working on building lasting relationships with people other than Jerry to help repair all the damage my mother did by making me go to 17 different schools. Dr. Smith thinks that changing schools so often affected my ability to form and maintain long term friendships.
So to all my friends, I am sorry if I have not been there for you or have appeared to "blow you off". It's not you it's me and I hope you'll forgive me and help me become a better person!!
I affectionately call it the "Fight Club Syndrome". Edward Norton talks about people on the plane at the begin of the moving and describes them as "Single Serving Friends".
Life is a work in progress! If you stop trying to be a better person and make life better, you might as well give up now.