Well it's that time of year again. When all of my favorite shows go into hiatus and won't be back until late September/early October. It was a pretty exciting week.
NCIS - First off, I really think they should of ended the week before without acknowledging that the decapitated body was not in fact Mike Franks. It would of added a little more suspense to the finale. Instead they end the episode telling us it's Col. Bell (like we really care if he died). I think there might be a littel romance on the horizon for Gibbs and Hart (Rena Sofer). Once confronted by Vance, she breached client privilege to benefit Gibbs. I personally think Gibbs needs to stick with the redheads (I'll be happy to take a role on NCIS as the new love interest:-P)
The tie back to the drug dealer that killed Gibbs family was an interesting tack to take. I never bought Alejandro as a good guy though, so it was no surprise to me that he ended up being the drug dealers son. As Gibbs would say, "there are no such things as coincidences" and Abby being summoned to Mexico and being handed that cold case then being given a live round all pointing to Gibbs would have been way to coincidental.
It was nice to see Dinozzo in Mexico with Franks, though I don't understand why Vance would send Dinozzo to a country where we have no jurisdiction to observe and report on Alejandro. Alejandro has met Tony and his cover could be blown very easily. At least Tony has earned the respect of a loyal ally, Franks. When Franks called Tony "Probie", I believe it was done with respect and affection, because up until this point, Gibbs is the only one Franks calls "Probie".
Lastly, the camera work in the last minute was very misleading. When they panned on the candy being placed into the jar, I really thought it was Alejandro about to be shot by Franks, not his sister threatening Jack. I really hope they don't kill Jack. I think there are more story lines that could be done with Gibbs and his father.
It was an exciting, if not a little confusing, episode, but it definately left me anxious for the fall season.
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