YIPPEEE!!! Well after 30 long years, I finally got to see the "Sex God" live. We finally "Made It Through The Rain" to sunny Las Vegas to see BARRY! Yes, I mean Barry Manilow. Absolutely awesome!!! Jerry doesn't even care for Barry that much but he was shaking his tushie at the Copacabana. It took 5 years of trying to get to Vegas without something coming up, but it was definately worth it to be there the same time as Barry. It was the best show EVER!! It was a great first post-chemo weekend getaway. We're already hoping to go back and see him again.
As if seeing Barry for our Anniversary on St Patrick's day wasn't cool enough, we also went to the Bellagio's art exhibit and amongst other reknowned artist, we were able to see 2 of Van Gogh's paintings up close and personal. Being able to see his use of color and massive use of paint in his strokes was amazing!