Father's often discount the importance of their relationships with their daughters. It is common for father's to believe that the mother is the most influential role, when really, father's have an equally important role in their daughters lives. Mothers are important, but father's offer specific things to their young daughters that mothers cannot provide.
Stats About Daddy's Girl
· Girls with a father figure have higher self-esteem, and are more likely to get along with people and attend higher education.
· Girls with fathers who are actively involved in their life show higher English and math skills, as well as having a higher IQ.
· Girls with active dads tend to be more determined, more successful in school, more self-nurturing, more independent, and are less likely to have abusive relationships.
· Dad's that are loving tend to have daughters that are less likely to try drugs, and less likely to be truant or delinquent.
· When a father support his daughter playing sports, he is helping her lesson the pressures of sex roles, and helping to promote her social independence.
Dad's Are Important Too
It has been said for far to long that dad's "take a backseat" to moms in the relationships with their daughters. If this is true, then daughter's are suffering because of it.
Father's often focus more time on their relationship with their sons because they may believe that mom will take care of their daughter's needs. Sometimes dad's don't realize how important they are to their growing young ladies, and if they did, it may shock them.
Father's are very important role models for their daughters, especially in the puberty and teen years. A father is the first male that a girl comes to intimately know, and he can set the stage for how his daughter interacts in future relationships, especially with men.
If her father is a loving, supportive, encouraging, protective, honorable husband and father, his daughter will seek out relationships that mimic these positive qualities in other men. Father's have this unique ability to inspire their daughter's, and daughter's give their father power like no other male in their life.
Benefits of the Father/Daughter Connection