OK. So my MIL brought the girls down to spend Xmas with their mom. They already have their return tickets to go back to Oklahoma. Between here and Oklahoma is back to back winter weather advisories, frozen roads, snow like hasn't been seen in years and my idiot brother in law decides against everyone elses judgement to drive down here and pick them up instead. Of course one would think he was doing this to spend extra time crammed in the car with 7 people to spend more time with his kids or something but of course not. With my BIL it's always about his needs...
So he shows up on the premise he's come to drive them back to Oklahoma, he picks up the girls but not his mother. You've got to realize that his mother has raised the girls since 2003. She sold her house when he joined the Navy to move with them because he's a single dad. When she sold her house, she gave him all the money to pay off bills and buy a new truck because she naively had faith in her son that he would take care of her as she has taken care of him and his children for the past 6 years. But I digress...
So he picks up the girls to take them out to Sea World (again)and in his usual selfish style arrives at our house 2 hours late after we called to see where they were and he lied. Turns out, he drove all the way down here so he could marry the snotty bitch without telling anyone! He says he came down here because he wanted the Judge that married him and his EX-WIFE to marry them. What a jackhole!
Additionally, they "didn't have room" in the car for my MIL!! WTH!! So this snotty, wanna be christian, bitches plan seems to be that my MIL would just stay with us when they drove off into the sunset. And they wonder why Jerry & I didn't gush all over them going "Congratulations!". Whatever! He's such a selfish bastard!
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
Construction is FINALLY done!
Hip! Hip! Hooray!!
Well 4 months later and the construction is finally done!! It took a little longer than planned because of some rain days and when the house was lifted it cause a second plumbing leak after the house that took a week to dig out and repair.
Now the house has been lifted and backfilled, but all that dirt and heavy machinery has ruined our yard. There is no grass left! 2 days after they finished my BIL came down with his bitch of a girlfriend and he insulted our yard talking about how much of a mess it was and how we should really take care of it! WTF! He is such an ass. NEWayz...
Now we have to have the interior cracks filled & sanded. Then on to painting...
Well 4 months later and the construction is finally done!! It took a little longer than planned because of some rain days and when the house was lifted it cause a second plumbing leak after the house that took a week to dig out and repair.
Now the house has been lifted and backfilled, but all that dirt and heavy machinery has ruined our yard. There is no grass left! 2 days after they finished my BIL came down with his bitch of a girlfriend and he insulted our yard talking about how much of a mess it was and how we should really take care of it! WTF! He is such an ass. NEWayz...
Now we have to have the interior cracks filled & sanded. Then on to painting...
Sunday, November 15, 2009
A year has passed...
It has been a year since Nana passed away and my worst fears have come to pass.
My mother (my Grandparents only "loving" child) has somehow managed to buy a house even with like 3 bankruptcies and foreclosures over the past 20 years, the most recent being 3 years ago, but I digress.
My graqndmothers ashes were to be interred on June 5, 2009 with my grandfathers. However my mother with her selfish, cruel, cold and evil heart has instead decided her mother does not deserve to have her wishes followed.
My mother instead figures the public dump is good enough so my grandmothers ashes have been lost amongst the trash as my mother cleaned out her rental in preparation of her move. I hope she enjoys her new bordello with the whore red carpet.
My mother (my Grandparents only "loving" child) has somehow managed to buy a house even with like 3 bankruptcies and foreclosures over the past 20 years, the most recent being 3 years ago, but I digress.
My graqndmothers ashes were to be interred on June 5, 2009 with my grandfathers. However my mother with her selfish, cruel, cold and evil heart has instead decided her mother does not deserve to have her wishes followed.
My mother instead figures the public dump is good enough so my grandmothers ashes have been lost amongst the trash as my mother cleaned out her rental in preparation of her move. I hope she enjoys her new bordello with the whore red carpet.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
A Decision...
Well after much debate and discussion with Jerry and my Doctors and along with wonderful advice from my Mother in Law, we have decided that I'm going to resign my position and play at being housewife for a while. Or as Jerry calls it "Home Project Manager".
Gonna start doing the whole cooking thing, on the condition that Jerry buys me a bigger slow cooker and a griddle. We also have so many projects around the house; landscaping, painting all rooms, painting molding, cleaning, organizing, etc... in preparation for putting our house on the market. So I will not be bored! Lots to do!
Gonna start doing the whole cooking thing, on the condition that Jerry buys me a bigger slow cooker and a griddle. We also have so many projects around the house; landscaping, painting all rooms, painting molding, cleaning, organizing, etc... in preparation for putting our house on the market. So I will not be bored! Lots to do!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
What is going on?..
Wondering what is up with hubby's family. My MIL has been showing signs of being more and more depressed and having physical pains associated with stress. Even my nieces don't seem as happy as they used too. My BIL moved his girlfriend and her sons into their house and she has done some really nasty things. She claims to be super christion but they live together in sin and she lies all the time. While I'm not in the house to see the extent of the lies, my BIL is a compulsive liar and the both of them have told my MIL lies about Jerry & I. The situation really seems to be getting bad in Oklahoma. The older of the 2 boys is ok, but the youngest is a real brat! When they were here in August I just wanted to smack him. He runs around doing whatever he wants, screeching while my husband is a meeting in the other room and the snotty bitch thinks it's fine and does nothing. My BIL doesn't give him any disipline either! By the end of their stay I had locked myself in my room, medicated myself heavily and hoped they would leave VERY soon. If this is what it's like everyday at home, the fit is certainly going to hit the shan sometime soon!
Friday, October 16, 2009
Our new "home"?
Well work on our foundation repairs is in full swing! The fun part is that they have to drill 2ft x 3ft wide and 4 ft deep holes in everyone of the bedrooms! What this means is that Jerry and I have to move our bedroom into the family room. All the furniture from the office and guest room have been moved to the living/dining room so for the next 3-4 weeks our 2000 sq ft house is going to shrink to only about 700 sq ft of living space!
Our queen size bed is now infront of the fireplace and the only other rooms we can access our the kitchen and breakfast nook. It doesn't help that the dust from all the drilling is so thick it's hard to breath and it has coated everything!
The dust has clogged up our ceiling fan motors to the point they won't work and has even messed with the TV!
This environment has been very stressful for me and my anxiety levels are off the charts!!
Our queen size bed is now infront of the fireplace and the only other rooms we can access our the kitchen and breakfast nook. It doesn't help that the dust from all the drilling is so thick it's hard to breath and it has coated everything!
The dust has clogged up our ceiling fan motors to the point they won't work and has even messed with the TV!
This environment has been very stressful for me and my anxiety levels are off the charts!!
Saturday, August 15, 2009
August 15, 1989 - Michelle

August 15, 1989 started out like any normal summer day. We had a few weeks until school started, all my friends were turning 16 and getting our licenses and life was generally good.
Michelle and I worked together at the Whataburger on 35 and Toepperwein and spent most of our free time together that summer. Michelle had turned 16 the day before and gotten her license. Her father was giving her a car for her birthday that day and they picked up the 1981 Brown Ford Escort at noon. We were planning a drive to Devine with Nathan Wallace to see her boyfriend Bowen Wallace. Unfortunately our boss would not let both of us take the day off, so I stayed behind.
That evening as I was sitting in my room I heard my mother call out to me from her bedroom. The 10 o'clock news had just started. I ran to my mother's room and she asked me what Michelle's first name was because she knew it was an unusual name and that Michelle went by her middle name. I responded "Chloe" and my mother blurted out that she was dead while pointing at the television.
I turned in time to see the EMT's rolling a gurney towards an ambulance and saw an image that still haunts my dreams to this day. Michelle had a pair of Keds that she loved and wore all the time. They were decorated with billiard balls. The gurney was covered with a yellow blanket, but on one end a single foot stuck out from under the blanket bouncing as the EMT rolled the gurney to the ambulance, the foot had on a Ked decorated with billiard balls. That's when I lost it!
Everywhere I looked around my house I saw Michelle. She had only been there the night before. The hardest part for me was my cat Prissy. She was all white and adored Michelle. She would jump in Michelle's lap everytime she came over and Michelle would kiss the top of her head. Prissy had a pink stain on the top of her head from Michelle's lip gloss and everytime I saw her I started crying all over again. Finally my mother gave me a Valium and called our manager at Whataburger Angela to ask if I could stay with her for the night. I really don't remember much after that of the next 24 hours. Michelle was pronounced dead at the scene at 4:44 PM, just short of 5 hours after picking up her car. The story was all over the news the next day, "Girl, 16 killed 5 hours after receiving car for birthday".
This was my first experience with a death that was so close to me. It took a long time for me to be able to think about Michelle without crying and to this day, 20 years later, when I think of her I feel an ache in my heart. I keep her name tag from Whataburger in my jewelry box along with a barette, that's all I have of her.
The night of her funeral, August 18, was the first (of many) times my best friend Kris snuck into my room in the middle of the night and held me as I cried myself to sleep. He was there for me when I didn't feel anyone else was and I credit him with giving me the strength I needed to make it through.
For a poem written about Michelle, click here
For a poem written about Michelle, click here
The verse used for her services was an abbreviated version of Safely Home:
I am home in heaven, dear ones;
Oh so happy and so bright!
There is perfect joy and beauty
In this everlasting light.
All the pain and grief is over,
Every restless tossing passed;
I am now at peace forever,
Safely home in heaven at last.
There is work still waiting for you,
So you must not idly stand;
Do it now, while life remains,
You shall rest in God’s own land.
When that work is all completed,
He will gently call you home;
Oh, the rapture of that meeting,
Oh, the joy to see you come!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
What's up Doc?
So after seeing 3 Doctors of varying specialties they have determined between them I am suffering from a Panic Disorder that I have had mild problems with dating back to my teens and all the more recent stress has elevated it to Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia.
Many people have the misconception that Agoraphobia is the fear of leaving ones house and confuse some symptoms of Agoraphobia as being Claustrophobia. If anyone is curious, here is a link that explains Agoraphobia:
On my Doctors suggestion I will be taking some FMLA time off from work while we experiment with more medication combinations so I no longer have the physical side effects of the anxiety attacks and work on making me happy again.
Many people have the misconception that Agoraphobia is the fear of leaving ones house and confuse some symptoms of Agoraphobia as being Claustrophobia. If anyone is curious, here is a link that explains Agoraphobia:
On my Doctors suggestion I will be taking some FMLA time off from work while we experiment with more medication combinations so I no longer have the physical side effects of the anxiety attacks and work on making me happy again.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Happy Birthday to me?
For the past few months I've been having dizzy spells to the point where I've crashed into walls and had to hold onto Jerry's arm to stay upright in stores.
I've also been spending alot of time by myself in my bedroom just chillin and not really wanting to go out.
After having a really bad episode this week, my boss recommended her Doctor, so I made an appointment. Turns out it is STRESS! Gee, I wonder why I have stress!
So I'm starting treatment for stress to hopefully alleviate these symptoms as they are really beginning to interfere with my life!
I've also been spending alot of time by myself in my bedroom just chillin and not really wanting to go out.
After having a really bad episode this week, my boss recommended her Doctor, so I made an appointment. Turns out it is STRESS! Gee, I wonder why I have stress!
So I'm starting treatment for stress to hopefully alleviate these symptoms as they are really beginning to interfere with my life!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Drama, Drama, Drama
Well as predicted in 2001 when my Grandparents asked us if they could move to Texas with us, the drama has begun!
My mother had planned on funding her retirement with their home in Massachusetts, so after my grandfathers passing in October 2001, when my grandmother decided to sell it, her plans were thwarted. Of course in the world of my mother, it is my fault as is everythng wrong with her life.
Now she has dilusions as to the extent of the estate left behind and has actually contacted an attorney here in San Antonio to sue for her inheritance. Lucky for me, the attorney will not proceed unless a $5,000 retainer is paid and everyone knows my mother never has a pot to piss in.
She's been harassing me for my grandmothers ashes. I don't know why. The last time she saw my grandfather she told him she never wanted to see him again unless it was in his coffin. She hadn't seen her mother since 2000 and when she did bother to speak to her on the phone she spent the whole time yelling at her and insulting her until my grandmother was hysterical and needed to be sedated by her nurse.
My grandmother wished for her ashes to buried in my Grandparents plot on their wedding anniversary June 5, 2009. I don't think Jerry and I are going to be able to make the trip, so in part due to that and secondly to stop the phone call and email harassment by my mother, I am going to forward her ashes and burial instructions to my mother. I hope I am not making a huge mistake.
My mother had planned on funding her retirement with their home in Massachusetts, so after my grandfathers passing in October 2001, when my grandmother decided to sell it, her plans were thwarted. Of course in the world of my mother, it is my fault as is everythng wrong with her life.
Now she has dilusions as to the extent of the estate left behind and has actually contacted an attorney here in San Antonio to sue for her inheritance. Lucky for me, the attorney will not proceed unless a $5,000 retainer is paid and everyone knows my mother never has a pot to piss in.
She's been harassing me for my grandmothers ashes. I don't know why. The last time she saw my grandfather she told him she never wanted to see him again unless it was in his coffin. She hadn't seen her mother since 2000 and when she did bother to speak to her on the phone she spent the whole time yelling at her and insulting her until my grandmother was hysterical and needed to be sedated by her nurse.
My grandmother wished for her ashes to buried in my Grandparents plot on their wedding anniversary June 5, 2009. I don't think Jerry and I are going to be able to make the trip, so in part due to that and secondly to stop the phone call and email harassment by my mother, I am going to forward her ashes and burial instructions to my mother. I hope I am not making a huge mistake.
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