My rost recent PET Scan has come back Grossly Negative (don't you love that in every arena other than Medicine negative is bad, but in Medicine you always want to be Negative). One thing I learned from my PET Scan is that my Ureter isn't in the right place. Instead of coming straight down, mine verves off on the left and takes a little road trip. Nothing big, just a curious side note. The only thing going on is that my Liver hasn't returned to normal like it should. My levels have come down since my Jaundice last June that led to them finding the Hodgkin's. Jaundice isn't usually associated with Hodgkin's so the 2 events really fall into the lucky coincidence category. Over the last few years, my PCP (a brilliant Dr named Denoia, who is retiring from practice to go into research unfortunately) has run so many Liver tests on me because my levels were always going up and down. So now Dr. Guzley says if they haven't gone down more on my next visit, June 30, I'll have to go see a GI Specialist. Sometimes you just want to say, Geesh!, haven't I been through enough.